Monday, February 4, 2013
Piston Cloud Gets $8M for OpenStack Software
San Francisco-based Piston Cloud announced today that it has raised $8M, in a Series B funding round, for the firm's OpenStack distribution. According to Piston Cloud, the funding came from Cisco Systems, Data Collective, Swisscom Ventures, along with Divergent Ventures, Hummer Winblad and True Ventures. Piston Cloud, which is headed by Jim Morrisroe, develops its own OpenStack-based software for helping companies to build and manage their own private cloud infrastructure. The funding comes on top of an earlier $4.5M raised by the company in July of 2011. OpenStack is the set of open source, cloud-based software and APIs which allows different Internet service providers to run the same, cloud-based applications in an interchangeable way; the effort is a response by the industry to provide a more open alternative to such services as Amazon AWS. More information »