CoverHound Finds Funding For Online Insurance Marketplace

San Francisco-based CoverHound, the online insurance shopping marketplace with offices in Westlake Village, apparently raised a funding round, according to what appears to be a broken embargo by a Silicon Valley technology news site. According to a spokesperson for Coverhound, the amount of the funding and investors--which had been reported as being worth $55M, and included Hiscox, Chubb, Aflac Ventures, and MS&AD--were "factually incorrect". A corrected funding amount and investors were not provided by the company's spokesperson, who said full details and corrected information on the funding would be forthcoming next month. Coverhound's offices are split between San Francisco and Westlake Village. Coverhound is led by CEO Keith Moore. The company offers up both business and personal insurance, ranging from general liability to auto and homeowners insurance, all online. More information »


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