Monday, July 24, 2006
U.S. Venture Capital Investments Hit $6.7B in Q2, Bay Area Leads
Ernst & Young LLP and VentureOne are reporting today that venture capital investments hit $6.7 billion in the latest quarter, the highest quarterly investment level since 2001. The firms said in their quarterly venture capital report that that $6.73B was directed into 619 deals, a deal count increase of 3 percent over second quarter of last year. Capital investments were up 5 percent. The investments were the most venture capital invested in a single quarter since the fourth quarter of 2001. E&Y and VentureOne attributed the increase to capital infusions into health care an information technology. Energy investments were also among the most active segments, according to the study. The San Francisco Bay Area continued to remain the dominant market for venture capital, with 207 deals and $2.42 billion invested in the area. PricewaterhouseCoopers releases its MoneyTree quarterly results tomorrow.