Monday, October 22, 2007
Bay Area Firms Score $2.58B In Venture Capital For Q2
San Francisco Bay Area firms raised $2.484B in venture capital, in 287 deals during Q3 of 2007, according to the latest PricewaterhouseCoopers/National Venture Capital Association MoneyTree report, based on data from Thompson Financial. The Bay Area continued to lead the nation in venture deals. Nationally, there was $7.1B in 887 deals for the third quarter, down slightly from Q2, which saw $7.2B and 1,000 deals. The top sector for deals this quarter was Software, which had $1.11B in 187 deals for the quarter; Biotechnology and Medical Devices saw $1.9B in 175 deals compared to $2.2B in 233 deals last quarter. However, Clean Tech saw investments rise 80 percent to $844M in investments in 62 deals versus second quarter numbers.